a formal introduction
I would like to formally introduce you to our little girls.. Penguin and Isabelle.
Aren't they cute? Our neighbor that we love had a bunch of kittens. And we were loving them and debating about whether or not to get one. After the bunny died, I have been not so sure about taking on another pet.
But, we live in a really old house. And with an old house comes these little annoying rodents that seem especially bad this year. So a cat was starting to seem like a good idea.
Then awesome neighbor came up with a good idea. Why don't we borrow a couple of kitties to help with the mouse situation and then if we didn't think is was going to work, we could give them back to her. Hmmm.. I like that idea. No feeling bad if they ended up being a pain in the you know what, but maybe will help with the rodents and the munchkins will love having them.
So, on Thanksgiving, she brought these two little fluff balls over. Enrique named them (of course) and we are totally in love with them.
Seriously sweet kitties. The kids are gaga over them. They sleep with us and are cuddly and they put up with being carried around everywhere by the little people.
Oh, and no rodents. I think we are going to keep them.
Aww, these ARE cute! E picked some serious good names :o)
Excuse me for share Obat ganglion di pergelangan tangan sold Obat sakit kepala disertai telinga berdengung Selow Obat nyeri dada akibat asam lambung naik have Obat kulit wajah belang dan kering keep Biaya operasi miom atau mioma saat ini must Obat penebalan otot jantung leaf Obat varises alami paling ampuh small Obat benjolan di leher belakang sebelah kanan dan kiri room Obat lambung bocor miss Obat gatal di selangkangan paha Thank you...
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