Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Yesterday was my birthday, 35 years old!! Crazy- how did I become all grown up, I wonder? I still feel like I am 16 years old, in my brain at least. My body is another story!

This is what I am thankful for...

  • My amazing kiddos. They inspire me and make me feel so full of love every single day. I never knew that I could be this happy and content with my life.
  • My cute husband who always makes me laugh and who understands me. And who brought me flowers yesterday, which is a VERY rare treat. Thanks baby... (and thanks to my sweet mommy, who also brought me flowers, I feel very spoiled!)
  • Our wonderful home, with all its quirkiness and charm. I so love living here, it makes my soul happy and is truly the best place I have ever lived.
  • That I get to stay home and take care of our kiddos and our house. I can't believe being a housewife is so fulfilling to me!
  • My awesome family, my mom, my sister, my aunt, all of you guys. Thanks for supporting us and being "my people!"

I am really looking forward to this next year, I think alot of exciting things will be happening. Everything just feels right and good in my life now. I feel blessed and very happy!

Oh, and my little guy sang Happy Birthday to me yesterday.

This is his version:
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday... Cake, I love you cake... Mmmmmm..... cake....., Happy Birthday to you!"

Yeah, I love cake too little man.


Please do not use any images or content without permission. You can contact me at happydelz [at] comcast [dot] net. Thanks.

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