I haven't really written much about our little boop lately. Yes, she is crawling and trying to walk, but there is so much more going on over in her little world right now. For both her and me. I can see her coming into her own person, learning about the world around her, discovering, exploring. Her little personality is starting to emerge.
I can't believe she is 10 months old already! This time is really going so fast. I know we've all heard that before, but it is truly amazing how much she is changing every single day!
It seems to me she is starting to try and "connect" with us, to discover that she is over there and we are over here. She is her own little person.
For me, having a daughter is really unlike anything I ever could have imagined. I didn't really even want a girl until we found out she was one and then the whole idea just mesmerized me. A little woman, a future mama, someday someone will need her shoulder to cry on. I feel the power of being able to share what it is to be a woman with this little princess. Will I be a good role model? Will I teach her to be strong and powerful and independent but soft and nurturing and gentle at the same time? Will she know how to open her heart and share her dreams and love unconditionally? Everyday I look at her and think about the woman she will become.
I notice I am trying desperately to keep her close, keep her small, savour her innocence and sweet baby-ness. Before you know it she will be having sleepovers and dating boys and wanting me to leave her alone. But, for now, she nuzzles up to me at night, smiles like this moment in time is her very most favorite, and gives me sweet baby kisses.
I feel very blessed and even a little humble in her presence. Being the mama to this baby girl is such a blessing!
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