Thursday, October 30, 2008

what we've been doing

Yes, still no camera! I'm am seriously missing taking pictures, ugh! What can you do, though, right?

Thought I would pop on here and let you all know what we've been up to...

We had 2 birthday parties for A in the past few weeks, one with Don's family and one with mine. I finished her little baby doll and it is oh so cute! I promise to post pictures just as soon as my camera comes home.

We've been making lots of art and had a fun art playgroup last week with lots of kiddos. We soaked some chalk in sugar water and drew on different colored paper. The sugar water makes the chalk really bright and it sticks nicely to the paper. Really pretty pictures were made by everyone!

We flipped all of our rooms around in our house. The playroom was off of our bedroom, so that meant whenever we had company, everyone congregated in our bedroom while the kids played. So we decided to switch the bedroom and the living room. Makes so much more sense this way, especially because the playroom is the sun room, which I imagine is going to get pretty cold this winter. We also flipped E's room with the craft room. This way he is right off of our bedroom and we put a bed in there forBoop. She is still sleeping with us, but this way she has a little territory that is just for her.

I'm still trying to put my craft room back together. Didn't I just get it all organized?? I'm a little sad about the change, less space and the old room (now the kids' bedroom) is so much more sunny. But, E LOVES his new room, calls it his house, and plays in there all the time. The change was a really good idea.

I've been sewing and knitting like crazy, starting in on Christmas presents. Lots of fun stuff being made. Don is working on a rocking horse for A and it is really cute! He is also going to make a castle for E.

We are getting ready for Halloween. Chubbas is so cute, totally excited and talking about it all the time. This is his first year of really "getting" it. He says he wants to be a cowboy, which is not really a big deal, an almost everyday occurrence around here. A few weeks ago he said he wanted to be a magician, so I am making him a cape and top hat. We'll see what he actually ends up wearing. Could be a pirate, who knows. He wants me to be a bat, so I need to come up with something creative for that. Don decided to be a clown and after putting the wig onBoop the other day, we decided she needed to be one also. So CUTE!!! If he wears her on his back, they will be a 2 headed clown, which I think would be hilarious!

What else?? I've been working alot, but that should be slowing down quite a bit (I hope!). Seems like we have just been super crazy busy lately. I'm trying to slow us down a bit, get back into our daily rhythm.

On the homeschool front, in addition to our Friday art group, we are now doing a weekly Science Club with another homeschool family. We are just getting started, but I am sure I will have more to share about that in the future. Interesting experiments and discoveries...

Things that E is asking about/interested in right now: volcanoes, fall, pyramids, and magicians/magic. Cool, fun stuff!!

Ok, I guess that is enough to bring you up to speed. Sorry I haven't been around too much, I think I just like showing off my pictures of the kiddos more than anything else on this blog. And, well, no pictures!! But, I'll pop in and out to let you know what we are doing. Really, I will!


Please do not use any images or content without permission. You can contact me at happydelz [at] comcast [dot] net. Thanks.

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