Monday, December 1, 2008

advent ideas

The countdown to Christmas begins!! We've never done the whole advent thing before, but I've wanted to for a few years now. So I whipped up this little advent calendar...

And Don made this cute little gnome to count down the days with...
So what are we doing each day? I don't want to have sweets and treats every day....

Just some days..
Here is what's in our little pockets:

-Make cookies
-Go chop down our xmas tree
-Make ornaments
-Make a popcorn garland
-Decorate the tree
-Play with snow inside
-Go to the xmas parade
-Make a wreath
-Have a picnic for dinner
-Make xmas cards
-Build a snow man
-Go look at xmas lights
-Make an angel mobile
-Build a gingerbread house
-Cut out snowflake decorations
-Bake cookies (again)
-Bring cookies to our neighbors
-Make tissue paper stained glass decorations
-Go sledding
-Make candles
-Winter solstice dinner by candle light
-Watch a xmas movie
-Write letter to Santa
-Go make tamales on xmas eve

I am so excited for the snow on the ground and holiday buzz! We are doing a 100% handmade Christmas and have lots still to make, but I am really happy to be giving gifts from the heart. My little booger man is cute with anticipation and so is my big booger man!!

Yay for December!


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