Thursday, April 9, 2009

laundry - the old fashioned way

All last summer I kept wishing we had a laundry line to dry our clothes on. Call me silly, but I watch my neighbor take her clothes out to the line and I feel a little jealous! I am one of those people that actually kind of likes doing laundry. Yes, the clothing stacks up from time to time, but I do enjoy the rhythm of folding laundry. I find it meditative and relaxing. Does that make me strange?

And, for the record - I am not such good friends with doing the dishes!

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I asked Don if he could rig something up for me to hang our clothes up on.

I love it!! Most mornings I start a load in the wash first thing and then head out to hang it up to dry. Being out on my patio by myself in the quiet of the morning feels so peaceful. I am enjoying starting my day with this little ritual that has me stop and appreciate how pretty it is where we live, how much I love taking care of my family and, and how wonderful it is that a simple thing like laundry can put a smile on my face.


Liebe Lebenskunst April 9, 2009 at 8:19 PM  

Ha, ha! Lisa, I think something is going on with the 2 of us. I've been dreaming of the exact same thing lately! I so want to hang my clothes to's actually pretty common to do so in Germany, and even though I hated it when my Mom made me do it as a teenager, I now am longing for those moments of peace and simplicity when hanging up a load of laundry in the fresh air. Sigh.

P.s. Just wanted to make sure that u know that Don of course is invited as well for Tuesday! My hubby would love to have some male conversation *lol*

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