Monday, May 11, 2009

sowing seeds

We have officially begun planting in our garden! I know it is a silly thing, but this makes me SOOO dang happy! This is my first ever garden- EVER. We did one 2 summers ago, but I was really pregnant with Anabel, so the only thing I did was put a few seeds in the ground. Don did all the rest. It was his garden. So this is year my first "official" experience with growing my own food.

Food is a big thing for us. Especially where it comes from and how it is grown. Even though we live on a super tight budget, eating well is very important to me. Having our own garden is a way for us to be really connected to our food, to walk the talk. I am also loving the chance to teach our kids about how our food arrives on our dinner plate each night.

Enrique is super duper excited about all of this! Everyday he asks to go to the garden to check on his vegetables. He has a few rows that are HIS. He chose carrots and broccoli as his crops.

What else we have planned for this year:

-swiss chard
-brussel sprouts (yum!)
-a few different lettuces
-and lots of fresh herbs

Wow! Listing it out like that feels a bit ambitious, but it's all a big experiment anyway. We don't really know what we're doing.. Fake it till you make it, I say!


Alpine Sanctum May 11, 2009 at 8:10 AM  

You know, that's genius. I didn't know they even had those here. I've been doing container gardening in our own yard because we don't really have much free space. Our front yard would be ideal to plant in but deer come traipsing through and eat absolutely everything. So I was resigning myself to a little herbal container garden with some tomatoes and strawberries on the side, but I miss having the space to really dig IN the ground. Do these gardens have really long waiting lists? I'm thinking of getting on one for next year maybe. This year it'd just be too much. But please keep updating on your garden's progress - I'm fascinated!

Lisa May 11, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

No, we were able to get into the garden pretty easy.. Trying to think if there is one up near you?? Hmm, not sure, but there might be. The deer are killer here also, so that is why we went this route. And it is really cool to be apart of the community.. everyone is so nice and helpful! It does make me feel like I am part of something "bigger".

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