hockey and hats and songs
Well, I just went through and organized my pictures and downloaded everything that was in my camera. I normally sort through my pictures about once a week, put them in folders, etc. But, I have not done any picture organization since November. November! Can you say a little behind?
Well, I am caught up now. Which means I can hopefully get back into a regular blogging groove. Yay! Here are a few pictures to catch up on some things we have been doing lately.
Anabel is loving her new kitties. Here she is reading one of them a story.Too sweet.
We took the kids to see their first hockey game. A good friend of Don's was in town playing, so we went.Enrique was totally captivated like this. Until the game started. Then he was done.
E has been stealing my camera alot lately. There were over 100 pictures on there that he took! Everything is fascinating to him. Here is one that I really liked...
A little art making..But I am so out of the habit of capturing our days with the thought of sharing stuff here that I never took a picture of the finished product. Bummer. It was a fun painting for Don's mom that both Don and the kids did using some pictures I took.
Me thinks we need to be making more art around here, don't you?
We have been loving getting to play outside after way too many days cooped up with colds and freezing temperatures.See that cute sweater she is wearing, my sis made it for her and I love it!
This is what pirates would look like if they could sail their ships into Colorado...Gotta keep that head warm, which the pirate hat alone doesn't really do.
I never did show and tell of all the goodies we made for everyone for Christmas. So, here is one picture I managed to take of a couple of hats I made for the kiddos. E's is too big, I need to fix it, but I think they are pretty dang cute!
And lastly, a song for you from my goofballs...
A song for you from Lisa Delzer on Vimeo.
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