YES, yes, YES. and yes, yes, yes
Yes, we did it. We bought ourselves an RV.
Yes, we are crazy.
Yes, we love our life.
Yes, we have no idea what we are doing.
Yes, this is wacky exciting.
Yes, I have no time to really share about it all right now.
Yes, we are really going to live in this thing, very possibly by THIS weekend.
Yes, we are crazy. -did I say that already?
Yes, I did.
Yes, it is winter and we will probably have to shower in the RV park showers so our pipes don't freeze.
Yes, we have sold a ton of our crap and are loving that.
Yes, we love this journey.
Yes, we will be ok, we really will (for you mom and e-do).
Yes, we have so much to learn.
Yes, we have SO much to do. yikes.
Yes, all that stuff to do is making me tired.
Yes, we will be here in Colorado for a little bit.
Yes, we do need to save some money before we head out. (just in case)
Yes, we will try to go as soon as we can.
Yes, we can't wait.
Yes, the kids are totally into this and super excited.
Yes, we will blog about our adventures.
Yes, it IS time for a new blog all about this crazy journey.
Yes, I should get that ready to share with you all next week, hopefully.
Yes, I am going to go now and get some stuff done so we can get this party started.
Yes, I will be back to share more soon.
It's a crazy time...I know! We just went through a similar process last May. In fact, the entire month of May is a blur. But, you will have a blast! What an exciting time! Congrats on this big change. Safe and happy travels to you!
yes...this is brilliant!
Yay!! As another soon-to-be-RVer, I'm super excited for you!
I'm so excited and jealous for you guys!!! Cannot wait to hear all about your are such amazing people..
Welcome to the wonderful life of RV living! Sounds like you're super excited and I'm excited for you. I will say it's much easier to live in the RV when it's warmer, but hey, spring is just around the corner, right??? Also, we MUCH prefer the RV Park showers to ours- the hot water lasts much longer! Looking forward to reading more of your adventures. Blessings!:)
in the words of my daughter, "that is freakin' awesome!" i can't wait for your house to roll up in front of me. ;-D
Oh my gosh! Thanks everyone.. we are so very, very excited.. so much to do and happy, happy.
Nice blog !!!
thanks for sharing
nha pho dep hcm
mau nha pho dep hcm
nha pho hien dai
nha pho co dien
mau thiet ke nha pho
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