Thursday, October 30, 2008

what we've been doing

Yes, still no camera! I'm am seriously missing taking pictures, ugh! What can you do, though, right?

Thought I would pop on here and let you all know what we've been up to...

We had 2 birthday parties for A in the past few weeks, one with Don's family and one with mine. I finished her little baby doll and it is oh so cute! I promise to post pictures just as soon as my camera comes home.

We've been making lots of art and had a fun art playgroup last week with lots of kiddos. We soaked some chalk in sugar water and drew on different colored paper. The sugar water makes the chalk really bright and it sticks nicely to the paper. Really pretty pictures were made by everyone!

We flipped all of our rooms around in our house. The playroom was off of our bedroom, so that meant whenever we had company, everyone congregated in our bedroom while the kids played. So we decided to switch the bedroom and the living room. Makes so much more sense this way, especially because the playroom is the sun room, which I imagine is going to get pretty cold this winter. We also flipped E's room with the craft room. This way he is right off of our bedroom and we put a bed in there forBoop. She is still sleeping with us, but this way she has a little territory that is just for her.

I'm still trying to put my craft room back together. Didn't I just get it all organized?? I'm a little sad about the change, less space and the old room (now the kids' bedroom) is so much more sunny. But, E LOVES his new room, calls it his house, and plays in there all the time. The change was a really good idea.

I've been sewing and knitting like crazy, starting in on Christmas presents. Lots of fun stuff being made. Don is working on a rocking horse for A and it is really cute! He is also going to make a castle for E.

We are getting ready for Halloween. Chubbas is so cute, totally excited and talking about it all the time. This is his first year of really "getting" it. He says he wants to be a cowboy, which is not really a big deal, an almost everyday occurrence around here. A few weeks ago he said he wanted to be a magician, so I am making him a cape and top hat. We'll see what he actually ends up wearing. Could be a pirate, who knows. He wants me to be a bat, so I need to come up with something creative for that. Don decided to be a clown and after putting the wig onBoop the other day, we decided she needed to be one also. So CUTE!!! If he wears her on his back, they will be a 2 headed clown, which I think would be hilarious!

What else?? I've been working alot, but that should be slowing down quite a bit (I hope!). Seems like we have just been super crazy busy lately. I'm trying to slow us down a bit, get back into our daily rhythm.

On the homeschool front, in addition to our Friday art group, we are now doing a weekly Science Club with another homeschool family. We are just getting started, but I am sure I will have more to share about that in the future. Interesting experiments and discoveries...

Things that E is asking about/interested in right now: volcanoes, fall, pyramids, and magicians/magic. Cool, fun stuff!!

Ok, I guess that is enough to bring you up to speed. Sorry I haven't been around too much, I think I just like showing off my pictures of the kiddos more than anything else on this blog. And, well, no pictures!! But, I'll pop in and out to let you know what we are doing. Really, I will!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This morning I woke up to E scrambling about trying to find his shoes. He was chomping at the bit to go outside!!

"Mommy, mommy! It's snowing outside!"

Sure enough, a little sprinkling from the night covering our yard. So pretty!!! (How I am missing my camera right now!!!)

Welcome snow!!!!

E played in the yard for over an hour, finally coming in all wet and cold. He has been really sensitive to temperatures lately, so I was wondering how he would react to our first snowy day. It made him so happy, go figure!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

letter to my daughter

To my sweet baby girl..

Today you turn one years old. One! I can't really believe that you are one already. Seems like just yesterday you were born. This year has gone by so fast! Too fast. I decided to write a letter to you, for you to read years from now, telling you about your one year self.

How would I describe you right now?

People always comment that you are so quiet, so mellow, so good. It is true, you seem like such a happy and sweet little baby. Totally content riding on mama's back or playing on the floor. If I had one word to describe you, I think I would pick content.

You also have a serious streak. You will sit and watch, looking so pensive, meditating on the world going on around you. You seem to always be observing and taking notes about life and all of us that make up your little world.

You can also be quite determined. When E tries to take something from you, you will hang on and not let go and you let us all know you do not like what is happening. You can get so mad! You are also pretty tough! Your big bro knocks you about from time to time and you seem hardly phased at all. Sometime this rough play even makes you laugh.

And laugh you do! You have a big, huge, full belly laugh just like your mom and dad. You make us all giggle when you are cracking up (usually at your brother). I love to listen to the two of you in the back seat while we are driving around.. just laughing like loopy crazy people! You have a big huge grin just like your daddy.

You are not walking yet, but are cruising around and pulling yourself up on everything. I'm okay if you never learn to walk and just stay my tiny little baby forever! But, you are growing up. Before you know it, you will be chasing boys and wanting nothing to do with your dad and me. But, for now, you are still my little baby girl.

I love you so much, more than I can ever really express in words. You are my little girl, my princess, my boop. My heart is so full and so happy having you as my daughter. My daughter. I love that word! I have a daughter! A beautiful, sweet, serious, funny little girl. Happy Birthday little one!!! xoxo Mommy

Friday, October 10, 2008

little artist

We aren't doing art group for a couple of weeks, so I thought I would do a little show and tell of what E has been up to in the art department over the past few weeks. I just cannot get over how beautiful his paintings are, so full of color.

He used to just paint and color or whatever, very whimsical about it, not seeming to care what he was doing. But recently, he has started to take his art very seriously. He will sit for awhile and really concentrate and spend long periods of time working on one thing. And he gets frustrated if he can't draw or paint whatever it is he is wanting to create.

I think all of this is so wonderful! Him declaring he is artist, so proud of himself. Making art and showing it off. Loving the process and wanting to spend hours making things. I really hope that art is forever a huge part of his life, that it feeds his soul and nourishes his spirit, that it doesn't torment him too much, and that he keeps that creative channel wide open!

There are many things I hope for my children, being tapped into the creative spirit is way up there at the top of my list. Watching this boy make art and love doing it, makes everything feel right in the world.

And now the bad news: I am such a klutz and dropped my (new) camera and broke it!! Argh!! I took it in to get fixed and they said it will take a few weeks, so my blogging may be a bit lacking until I get it back. Suckiest part of it, though, is A's bday is this next week and I won't get to take pictures!!! I guess I can go and get a disposable, but it just isn't the same, ya know? My apologies in advance if I'm not around here too much. Maybe this is a good opportunity for me to work on my writing, painting pictures with my words...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

hockey season

Yay! Time for hockey season! I'm not a super crazy fan, but Don is, which means I get sucked into a game or two. Don is doing the proper daddy duty and teaching our son all about this fun sport inspired by cold and ice.

Go Avalanche!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

blackmail photos

Need I say more?

Friday, October 3, 2008

art group - life size "me" pictures

For our art group this week, the kids made life size paintings of themselves. What we did is have each child lay down on big paper while we drew an outline of them. Then we laid out the outline for them to paint on.

Once they were done and the paint was dry, we cut the outlines out.

E's been pretty funny walking around with his picture by the hand and talking to himself. I love listening in on those conversations.

art group - life size "me" pictures

For our art group this week, the kids made life size paintings of themselves. What we did is have each child lay down on big paper while we drew an outline of them. Then we laid out the outline for them to paint on.

Once they were done and the paint was dry, we cut the outlines out.

E's been pretty funny walking around with his picture by the hand and talking to himself. I love listening in on those conversations.

Please do not use any images or content without permission. You can contact me at happydelz [at] comcast [dot] net. Thanks.

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