Thursday, June 26, 2008

midnight giggles

I think one of my most favorite things to experience as a mom are those sweet baby giggles that happen when our little people are sleeping. I remember just laying awake in the middle of the night with Chubbas savouring the sound of his sweet laugh. Well, little boop surprised me last night with giggles and smiles, eyes closed, deep sleep, mmmmmm... sweet baby love!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

cute baby shoes

Well, since my camera is broken, I thought I would share some pics of some cute shoes I made awhile ago. These were for a friend's baby boy, but we ended up never connecting on time and now he is too big for them! They just grow up too fast, those little ones. But, they were fun to make anyway and now I have a nice gift for the next little baby boy that comes into our lives. I have lots of sweet girly material to make some for A, which, really, I will get to one of these days. I used this pattern, which is free and pretty easy (even for a newbie sewer like me).

cute baby shoes

Well, since my camera is broken, I thought I would share some pics of some cute shoes I made awhile ago. These were for a friend's baby boy, but we ended up never connecting on time and now he is too big for them! They just grow up too fast, those little ones. But, they were fun to make anyway and now I have a nice gift for the next little baby boy that comes into our lives. I have lots of sweet girly material to make some for A, which, really, I will get to one of these days. I used this pattern, which is free and pretty easy (even for a newbie sewer like me).

treasure hunting

I was giving E a bath and he always likes to watch the water go down the drain. When I pulled the plug, he stuck his head right up to the drain and said, "I have to find Grandma! I have to find Grandma" Hmm, wonder what he's talking about, I think to myself...

Well, then he sits up and says "Look what I found!" and in his hand was my diamond earring! I didn't even know I lost it! I was so excited, saying "wow, crazy, I'm so glad you found it, my hero!" It almost went down the drain, which would have made be so sad...

Then it hits me, my earrings used to be my moms, his GRANDMA! I seriously think an angel or something whispered in his ear, "go find grandma's earring" and that's why he was looking for "grandma" down the drain...

And then, so cute. He was talking to Grandma today on the phone and I told her the story. She was must have been asking him about it because I hear him saying to her, "ya, I found your earring in the bathtub, it was CRAZY!"

My hero!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

so bummed

My camera is broken!!!! Ugh. So I won't be posting too much here until I figure out if I am going to get it fixed or tap into our savings and get a new one. Don't know what the deal is with it, but for sure it is not taking pictures. And telling stories is not as much fun without pictures....

Monday, June 16, 2008


Chubbas was playing in my room last week when I heard the most frightening scream to ever come out of his mouth. I ran in and found my sweet little boy crying and holding out his hand. "It bit me! That big bee bit me!" And sure enough, there was a big ol' bee running away on the floor, looking a bit drunk.

Poor little guy! We cuddled on the couch for a long time, he kept saying, "You need to take care of me, mama." So sweet! What a little trooper!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

daddy day

My cute husband feels pretty lucky to always have his birthday and Father's Day within the same week. We seem to be having a little tradition starting to throw a Father's Day BBQ. It was a perfect day to be with friends and celebrate one great guy! Thanks for being such a great papa...we love you so much!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

trying to crawl

Here she is, up on all fours, doing the cute little rocking thing. She's got the backwards scoot down and is hard at work trying to figure out first gear!

Friday, June 13, 2008

establishing rhythm

For those of you who don't know this about me, I am a crazy researcher. When I get interested in something, I go read LOTS about it. I always have like 10 books going and I love my internet.

One of my favorite topics these days is homeschooling. Really trying to figure out the ins and out and deciding on our style and what we want to accomplish with our kiddos. Well, I think there is such a thing as too much research!! Haahaa! I get so bogged down with all these great IDEAS and spend very little to time actually DOING anything. I am an idea junky.

Well, I was recently on a chat with some great homeschooling mamas and a very wise mom, said take it slow, start simple. Find your rhythm first. We don't really NEED to be doing much with E right now other than playing, being creative, having fun, exploring, so I am going to go to work getting us in a good rhythm.

What do I want our days to look like?? What is the mood, the environment I want to create for my babes to learn in? Well, I want our days to be full of inspiration, creativity, curiosity, silliness and love. AND, I want to be able to keep the house clean, work on my own creative endeavors, and keep in touch with all my mommy friends around the world. So, this is what I've come up with as our "ideal" daily rhythm.

  • Me wake up and meditate/do yoga before the kids wake up. [this one will take some doing, but I think is really important for both me and them that I make this time for myself].
  • Take a shower, me get ready and pretty for the day. Make a pot of tea or coffee (essential).
  • Kids wake up, change diaper, go potty, wash up, get dressed.
  • Make healthy breakfast and eat together at the table.
  • Me clean up from breakfast while the kids play.
  • Have a little circle/story time. This is a time for us to come together and set the tone for the day.
  • Go for a walk, even in the snow and the rain.
  • Snack time.
  • Free play, mom work on projects like cleaning, sewing, etc.
  • Make a healthy lunch and eat together at the table.
  • Clean up from lunch.
  • Art/craft/music projects.
  • Run around outside and get the wiggles out.
  • Nap/rest/quiet time. I work on computer, read, me time.
  • Free play outside while I get dinner ready.
  • Dad comes home and plays with the kiddos while I finish up dinner.
  • Sit down and have a nice meal together as a family.
  • Clean up dinner dishes while Dad plays with the kids.
  • If the weather is nice, go on a family walk.
  • Baths and ready for bed.
  • Kids asleep.
  • Time with Don doing whatever, projects watching a movie, etc.
  • Get ready for bed and turn in at a decent hour.
  • [Right now A nurses and naps whenever and that is just fine with me. We will fit in her being taken care of and as she gets older we will adjust things to meet her needs]
I know this is not an overnight process. My plan (because I always have one) is to spend the summer getting our groove. Slowly adding things in/moving things around until our days just go on their own, providing the space I'm looking to provide for my kids. I want it to feel natural and relaxed, but at the same time I want the kiddos to expect certain things at certain times on specific days. I want some predictability with some spontaneity thrown. Above all, I don't want our homeschooling to be rigid. I want it to be free flowing, fun, creative. And totally nurturing, bringing out the true spirit and imagination of both of my little darlings.

establishing rhythm

For those of you who don't know this about me, I am a crazy researcher. When I get interested in something, I go read LOTS about it. I always have like 10 books going and I love my internet.

One of my favorite topics these days is homeschooling. Really trying to figure out the ins and out and deciding on our style and what we want to accomplish with our kiddos. Well, I think there is such a thing as too much research!! Haahaa! I get so bogged down with all these great IDEAS and spend very little to time actually DOING anything. I am an idea junky.

Well, I was recently on a chat with some great homeschooling mamas and a very wise mom, said take it slow, start simple. Find your rhythm first. We don't really NEED to be doing much with E right now other than playing, being creative, having fun, exploring, so I am going to go to work getting us in a good rhythm.

What do I want our days to look like?? What is the mood, the environment I want to create for my babes to learn in? Well, I want our days to be full of inspiration, creativity, curiosity, silliness and love. AND, I want to be able to keep the house clean, work on my own creative endeavors, and keep in touch with all my mommy friends around the world. So, this is what I've come up with as our "ideal" daily rhythm.

  • Me wake up and meditate/do yoga before the kids wake up. [this one will take some doing, but I think is really important for both me and them that I make this time for myself].
  • Take a shower, me get ready and pretty for the day. Make a pot of tea or coffee (essential).
  • Kids wake up, change diaper, go potty, wash up, get dressed.
  • Make healthy breakfast and eat together at the table.
  • Me clean up from breakfast while the kids play.
  • Have a little circle/story time. This is a time for us to come together and set the tone for the day.
  • Go for a walk, even in the snow and the rain.
  • Snack time.
  • Free play, mom work on projects like cleaning, sewing, etc.
  • Make a healthy lunch and eat together at the table.
  • Clean up from lunch.
  • Art/craft/music projects.
  • Run around outside and get the wiggles out.
  • Nap/rest/quiet time. I work on computer, read, me time.
  • Free play outside while I get dinner ready.
  • Dad comes home and plays with the kiddos while I finish up dinner.
  • Sit down and have a nice meal together as a family.
  • Clean up dinner dishes while Dad plays with the kids.
  • If the weather is nice, go on a family walk.
  • Baths and ready for bed.
  • Kids asleep.
  • Time with Don doing whatever, projects watching a movie, etc.
  • Get ready for bed and turn in at a decent hour.
  • [Right now A nurses and naps whenever and that is just fine with me. We will fit in her being taken care of and as she gets older we will adjust things to meet her needs]
I know this is not an overnight process. My plan (because I always have one) is to spend the summer getting our groove. Slowly adding things in/moving things around until our days just go on their own, providing the space I'm looking to provide for my kids. I want it to feel natural and relaxed, but at the same time I want the kiddos to expect certain things at certain times on specific days. I want some predictability with some spontaneity thrown. Above all, I don't want our homeschooling to be rigid. I want it to be free flowing, fun, creative. And totally nurturing, bringing out the true spirit and imagination of both of my little darlings.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

giving thanks

I have been feeling a litle grumpy and annoyed at things with all of us sick this week. The best cure for grouchiness? Taking a moment and being grateful for the good things happening in my life these days.

So, 11 things making me happy right now:

1. This sweet little peanut sticking her toungue out at me.

2. Live concerts in my bedroom.

3. Living in a place that I get to see (on a regular basis) big scary animals walking down the road like it's nothing.

4. This man.

5. My son kinda sorta starting to take naps again. This time all on his own with zero prompting form me, right in the middle of the dining room.

6. Knitting. Especially with pretty yarn. I can totally get why so many people are obsessed with yarn.

7. Watching my little man make art and seeing how happy it makes him.

8. This picture, just because I like it.

9. This awesome group of mamas, who crack me up, encourage, inspire and motivate me.

10. The farmers market, which starts today-fianlly!

11. And, starting to feel better.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

summer bugs (not the crawley kind)

Ugh! This household is sick and I am so over it!! Coughing, sneezing, aching, the works!! It has been a good week now of yuckies. I am FINALLY starting to feel a little, tiny bit better, but Don is on day 2 of staying home from work because he is coughing so bad, and Boop is so congested her sweet little face is puffy. I think E is starting to feel better also, but good gravy! Summer colds are such a bummer. All we want to do is play outside and run around, but no one has the energy (well except E who could care less about snot running down his face). So we have been doing alot of hanging on the couch. Only good news is I finally started my first official knitting project and it is going really well and so pretty. I will share when I am all done.

These pictures are from over a week ago when my sister was still here. We went to the zoo, it was a perfect weather day and we had a ton of fun!
My all time favorite are these guys. They make me smile, I just want to hug them.
Hiding and playing in the cool caves:
I think this was E's favorite part:
Just a little Python. I totally don't like snakes, but E was all, ooooh a snake!!! Touch it mama, touch it!!! How can you say no to such enthusiasm?? So I did and I survived! Chubbas thought is was crazy fun.
Gotta love the sweet little new born zoo babies:
Chubbas spent awhile kissing this big guy (who was happy to kiss back):
And what would a trip to the zoo be without a little turtle whoopie??

(we almost got to see the giraffes go at it, but the Mr. got a little gun shy with an audience. I was super bummed to miss the giraffe porn, maybe next time!)

Ok, back to knitting and taking care of my babes (all 3 of them)!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

52 weeks :: 14

homebodies not allowed...

around these parts! These past few weeks have been really busy visiting with people. And, I am not the most social person. If you know me, I know that sounds weird. But it is true! I am always so exhausted after visiting with people and then need to have some unwind to myself time to recharge my batteries. I am good at socializing, but it takes it out of me! I am like an introvert masquerading as an extrovert!

Well, not much unwinding happening around here lately:

First, my sister was here with her son, my sweet little nephew.
I am really close to my sis, she is by and far my very best friend. We often spend an hour or more on the phone with each other and talk to each other just about every day. It was great to hang with her in person for 10 days. I love that she is now a mama and we get to share our kiddos with each other. And while she was here, we got to do some fun things and see people we don't see too often.

Like my grand parents! We aren't really close with them, but thought it would be fun to see them while my sister was here. Got to share and revisit some childhood memories and get to see them with our little ones. My kiddos are lucky and have quite a few greats still alive! I hope that they get to create some memories of knowing them. Although vague, I have happy memories of going to see my great grandmother in her trailer out in the Colorado plains when I was little. I hope my children have memories like that.

And then I had an old friend call me to say he was in Colorado all the way from Sweden. We were really good friends while I lived in Stockholm. We recently spent a day together reminiscing and catching up on all the good gossip. Made me really miss living in Europe! Even though I was super stressed out while I lived there, working more hours than any human being should have to work, I have amazing, fun memories. I just loved it!!! Sweden is such a beautiful country and the friends I have over there are forever friends.

And then, as if all this catching up was not enough, I heard from a friend and used to be neighbor. We lived on opposite sides of a duplex up in Denver and had our sons within 24 hours of each other. I think you feel really bonded with someone when you go through pregnancy, childbirth and being a new mom at the same time together. Even though we lost contact with each other, I feel really close to her and am really glad she found me! I am totally looking forward to growing our friendship some more.

Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something about where I am and where I am going, putting all these people from the past in my current path. I won't bore you with philosophical babbling about why so much nostalgia is creeping into my life right now, but, man, it is weird!

More likely, it just has to do with summer making its debut. That busy, out in the sun, running around vibe is for sure in the air. Since moving in March, I have really stayed close to home, so these past few weeks have totally kicked my butt!!! I think I am socialized out and ready to spend a little quiet time around the house again. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing and catching up with everyone, but I have also come to love and NEED my quiet time with just me and the kids. Time to regroup!!!

I'm taking the "homebodies not allowed" sign out of my window and putting up the "shhhh..please do not disturb" sign just for a bit...

But, it is summer, so I am sure it will be up for only a short (very tiny) bit.

Please do not use any images or content without permission. You can contact me at happydelz [at] comcast [dot] net. Thanks.

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