Thursday, April 30, 2009

once upon a time..

A cute boy who loved Elvis somehow wooed a workaholic party girl.. They fell in love. They laughed alot, they stayed up all night... talking. Right!

Well, one morning, the goofy boy decided to get down on one knee and ask the girl to marry him. On her finger went his grandmother's wedding ring.

They only knew each other for a few months, but decided to head off on a little road trip to Las Vegas to see if they could get Elvis to marry them..

After driving from Colorado to the city in the desert and staying in a scary hotel for one night they decided to start "The Big Day" with a ride on a roller coaster on top of a building..(very fitting way to start this crazy adventure I think.)

Then, Lisa, being a tad bit overwhelmed by the lights and the noise, begged charming boy to take her to a park. After driving around FOR HOURS looking for a place with grass to lounge, they found a nice neighborhood park and loved on each other for awhile..

Feeling refreshed, they headed to a new, fancier hotel to change and get ready..

Elvis was a bit pricey, but the Chapel o' Love did the trick perfectly well..

And here we are 5 years later! Still feeling the love and glad we took the chance.

Happy Five Years to Us!!

I love you babe.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

feeling quiet

Guess I have a little of the introvert thing going on right now, I just don't feel like sharing much.. We have been sick around here for weeks, and it is tiring. We are not super crazy stay in bed all day sick, but we have all had this cough that will not go away! So, we have been staying at home alot, doing some spring cleaning. Wow! We have a lot of junk to get rid of! I think a garage sale is in order.. stat!

I did redo our Chubbas 'n Boop website, it is so much prettier! Go check it out!

I FINALLY got my craft room cleaned up, a true miracle, I tell you! This has been at the top of my put off until later list for months, but it is done! Now, seriously if you all are not seeing some good things coming out of there soon, someone should come and arrest me.

We do seem to be keeping ourselves busy lately and I have been doing alot of internal work, thinking, contemplating about alot of things. I'm not really ready to put these thoughts into words, but I feel like change is coming soon...

Friday, April 17, 2009

today I am grateful

It is my birthday today! We woke up to a crazy snow storm, which is NOT suppose to happen on April 17th EVER. But, some blue sky is peeking through the clouds, which is making me happy. Don is out at the store buying me some ice cream, little girl is sound asleep on my lap. Life is quiet and peaceful.

Today I am grateful for:

- My amazing husband who is funny and entertaining and loving and sexy and kind.

- My son who is smart and clever and such goof, he makes me laugh every day.

- My daughter who loves giving hugs and just discovered the joy of dancing.

- The whole rest of my family who love me no matter what.

- Getting to have this time, right now, where we are all home together.

- Living in a cozy house that is quirky and fun and so totally "us."

- Nice neighbors who surprise me with fun gifts that make me smile from ear to ear.

- Friends who are really starting to feel like friends and not just acquaintances.

- Ice cream, which was just been placed in my hand.. mmmmm!

I am glad to get to share with all of you out there our life. Thanks for reading this blog and letting me show off the things that make me happy. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

art group : wet on wet water color painting

For art group this week, I thought we would try doing some wet on wet water color painting. Something I've seen, but have never tried.

First you soak some pretty thick watercolor paper for at least 15 minutes.

Then you wipe it a little, so it's not dripping, but still really wet.

Then the kiddos got to paint on it.

WOW! It is awesome to paint with water colors this way!! SO pretty and dream like. We used artist water colors that come in a tube. I don't think this would work too well with the cheapo ones you get for kids, but it might.

I even got into a little and made my own picture.

Really, really fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a really fun weekend. Our awesome, wonderful neighbor, who we love so much, celebrated her 50th Bday..

She is a real "kid person" so the party was more like a kid party. And in her generous spirit, she made it so that all of us us April birthday people got to share her party with her. The kiddos had so much fun chasing balloons, busting open the pinata, blowing bubbles and dying easter eggs.

I took this picture and was shocked at how much it looks like either me or my sister. Seriously, this photo looks more like one of my kid pictures than a picture of my daughter. Mom? Who does it look more like - me or Rebecca? I can't tell and need your expert opinion.

Then we had a nice and mellow Easter morning. It was snowing (of course) so we did our Easter egg hunt in the house. E had a BLAST!

A few days before we dyed our eggs using natural dyes.

We used purple cabbage, beets, turmeric and spinach.

The spinach and cabbage didn't work too well, but the beets and turmeric did! I love dying things! Don't know why, but I think it is super fun. I think I need to do some internet searching for cool dying projects we can do.

Hope everyone had a happy and fun Easter weekend!

This picture, by the way, is of the Easter Bunny and his dog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

new stuff for a sweet little girl

Thanks Mary for asking Don to make these for your little girl. I hope she loves them!

An African jungle teething ring set.

An elephant..

A giraffe..

And a lion..

I just listed these in our store for anyone else interested in some sweet little animal teething rings for your babe.

And, of course, we are always happy to customize these for you. Like if you want some different animals, or whatever! The sky is the limit, just let us know what you want for your little ones.

Happy Saturday.. I am loving the rain today.. yay Spring!

Friday, April 10, 2009

well, hello spring!

We were hanging out in the yard the other day and I looked over and noticed green on one of our trees! Green! Yay! A sure sign of spring..

I am so happy.. Spring is my favorite season, I love everything coming back to life and the warmth starting to show up in the air.

One of these days soon, we should be seeing a few bears stopping by to say hi, but for now we have our regular visitors.

E was totally into watching the deer yesterday, there were alot of them hanging out in our yard..

And the babies! So so cute! (of course I didn't get a very good picture of the baby, maybe next time.)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

laundry - the old fashioned way

All last summer I kept wishing we had a laundry line to dry our clothes on. Call me silly, but I watch my neighbor take her clothes out to the line and I feel a little jealous! I am one of those people that actually kind of likes doing laundry. Yes, the clothing stacks up from time to time, but I do enjoy the rhythm of folding laundry. I find it meditative and relaxing. Does that make me strange?

And, for the record - I am not such good friends with doing the dishes!

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I asked Don if he could rig something up for me to hang our clothes up on.

I love it!! Most mornings I start a load in the wash first thing and then head out to hang it up to dry. Being out on my patio by myself in the quiet of the morning feels so peaceful. I am enjoying starting my day with this little ritual that has me stop and appreciate how pretty it is where we live, how much I love taking care of my family and, and how wonderful it is that a simple thing like laundry can put a smile on my face.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

a few sweet moments with my girl

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

so well said..

One of my most favorite bloggers did a little write up about us yesterday. The write up is super duper cool, but what was even better was what she had to say about handmade toys.

In her words: "The truly wonderful thing is that these toys aren't just durable, they actually get BETTER with age. They begin to tell a story."

It's a great article, go check it out!

Oh, and this is new..a rainbow family stacking toy.. sooooo pretty!!!

I redid our website so that we can now take orders there directly. Locals can choose "pick up" as their shipping option and make arrangements to pick up at our house/shop.

AND we are starting a layaway program to help all you folks out that are thinking ahead toward the holiday season and/or birthdays down the road.

Lots of groovy business news around these parts!! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

art group: starting over with intention

We have started our weekly art group again!

This is such a big deal. It seems to me that our weekly rhythm has just completely blown out the window and we have been just flitting about from one random project to another. Which has made me feel kind of frantic and all over the place. Not a good thing!

And the other thing about us running around without any real INTENTION is that we are not working on expanding our creativity. Sure, we have creative stuff going on around here, but it is more the frenzied, random kind of creativity. What I like is slow, intentional, purposeful creativity.

Conscious. Flowing. Centering.

Does that make sense? I hope so. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this Mama has taken a moment to stop and smell the roses. And in doing so, I have realized how all over the place I have been and how much I needed to ..s..l..o..w.. down. WAY down.

One of the things I do to help me slow down is to have a good weekly rhythm for my time with my kids and creating the space of our home. Cuz all that crazy energy also means my home feels chaotic and messy and "off." Which makes me feel more all over the place. It's a vicious cycle really. I feel frantic, house gets messy, I feel more nutty, etc.

Anyway, having good, solid anchor points during the week really helps me to "remember" what my intention is. Who I want to be as a parent, the environment I am creating for my kids, and how I am nurturing my creativity.

So, today we started art group again.

With a few familiar faces and a few new ones. It was nice to get everything set up and welcome a group of kiddos into my home.

And E was ecstatic! His art lately has also been kind of crazy and all over the place. But today, what he created was more deliberate, more thoughtful.

He said this was a chicken machine. It makes chickens. He was very serious about that.

And we had an adorable baby girl that wanted to participate. A new little artist in our midst. Makes me so happy!

Kids making art is so magical, so peaceful, so magnificent!

Now, I feel centered.

Yes, Mr. President!

A conversation that happened yesterday:

E:"Hello Mama Ma'am, I am the President of the United States!"

Then he stuck out his hand for me to shake. (with a totally serious face).

E: "It is so nice to meet you, now what can I fix for you?"

Me: "Uh, well.. hmmm, things seems to be in an awful mess, can you fix ALL of it?"

E" "Yes, I will fix EVERYTHING! I am the President of the United States! Now, what other questions can I answer for you?"

We had a back and forth for awhile about all kinds of things that would be important to The President... popsicles, cleaning the house, building space ships, what's for dinner, the snow outside, what monkey's eat. It was a very enlightened conversation.

I think I'd be okay if my son wanted to be President of the United States. He has some pretty good ideas about how to do things and what makes people happy...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

ahhh, breathe..

I spent the morning at the Dr. with my daughter, who has 2, yes TWO ear infections! And maybe the beginnings of a bladder infection, oh my!! No wonder she has had a fever that will not be defeated! It is such a fine balance isn't it between just turning over the care of our little ones to the medical world and all that encompasses (don't get me started) and trusting my mommy instincts, which means knowing when to turn it over to the medical world.

Today, I am so happy and grateful for having a doctor I trust and that trusts ME to know what to do to help my daughter. A nice partnership. And I feel like we are now on the road to recovery.. ahhh, breathe!!

It has been a rough week, taking care of a miserable little baby girl. And now I am hoping to see her bright shining happy face here soon. We got a little glimpse earlier. She and big bro were playing, laughing and dancing! Ahhh, breathe!

Now I think I am going to go tuck away in the tub and have a little quiet time to take care of me...and to breathe...

Please do not use any images or content without permission. You can contact me at happydelz [at] comcast [dot] net. Thanks.

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